Become a SIG Convenor

Posted 2nd June 2017

EECERA members who wish to coordinate cross-national collaborations around a particular theme are now invited to apply to become Special Interest Group (SIG) convenors for one of the following existing SIGs:

SIG Convenors are responsible for facilitating the work of the SIGs and ensuring their activities are aligned with the aims and ethics of EECERA. There is no additional cost for EECERA members wishing to convene a SIG.

To be selected, there is a number of requirements and principles of operation SIG convenors must agree with, e.g. SIG convenors should present a short written report regarding the activity of the SIG to the Board of Trustees at least once a year. They are also required to meet at programmed periods during the EECERA Conference and liaise with EECERA to set up a meeting for their SIG during the Conference.
More information about the SIGs and FAQ can be found here.
In order for the above SIGs to continue their activity, each of them require two convenors, (of different nationalities, based in two different countries, one of whom should be working in a European institution). We are therefore looking to fill 6 convenor positions.
If you’re interested in becoming a SIG convenor, or if you have any further questions, please email Dr. Jóhanna Einarsdóttir, EECERA Trustee.
The deadline is 30th June 2017.

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