Call for Book Chapters – EECERA Collection Series

Posted 17th September 2024

The editors invite contributions from international scholars and practitioners from all sociocultural backgrounds, theoretical traditions, and methodological frameworks to submit a maximum 250-word chapter abstract related to the theme

“Pedagogy, Curriculum & Professionalism: International Perspectives in Early Childhood Initial Teacher Education.”

Submissions can include systematic reviews, policy analyses, survey reports, case reports, innovative methodological solutions, and empirical studies relevant to specific cultural or international contexts. All submissions should be understandable to a lay audience and follow the APA 7th referencing style. Chapter abstract submission deadline is Monday 14th October 2024 

Each chapter abstract must make clear and valid links to, Early Childhood Initial Teacher Education (EC ITE), and cover: 

– The scholarly or research aims for the work to be reported in the chapter 

– The context or setting for the work including the EC ITE (birth to eight years old) in focus 

– The theoretical or conceptual framework adopted 

– The research methods used (if appropriate) 

– The chapter’s main claims and/or findings 

– Conclusion for policy, research, and/or practice  

– A list of important references (not counted in the 250-word limit) 

Notification of abstract acceptance and editors’ feedback will be provided by Monday 25 November 2024.  

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