Ethical Code
The EECERA ethical code was originally developed in March 2014, and intended as a guiding framework for all those involved in early childhood research and the publication and dissemination of its results. In 2024 the ethical code was reviewed and updated to reflect current global issues and the advancement of technology are more evident. It also considers desk based research and how its authors should also acknowledge layers of ethical complexity. The latest version is now freely available to download here:
The latest version was developed by a cross national working group of EECERA Trustees and members. The original ethical principles and guidelines were developed by a working group of EECERA Trustees through a collaborative process with, amongst others, the involvement of the Coordinating Editor of the International Journal of Early Years Education, and also with due respect and full acknowledgement of existing ethical guidelines including those developed by:
- The British Educational Research Association
- The Scottish Educational Research Association
- The American Educational Research Association
We hope that it will support early childhood researchers in their research design decisions and ensure that research is conducted which safeguards the well being of all involved, particularly the very young and vulnerable, and also generates the highest standards of scholarship and research practice.
The EECERA Ethical Code sets out the expectations of ethical conduct expected of early childhood researchers. It is intended that all research conducted by EECERA members, or published and disseminated through EECERA platforms, including its journal, books and conference, will be evaluated according to its adherence to this code.