
Book Series

Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood

Series Editors: Nancy Barbour, Ailie Cleghorn, Alma Fleet, Joao Formosinho and Chris Pascal (under the auspices of the EECERA Coordinating Editor, Tony Bertram)

Download the full EECERA Book Series Guidance (pdf)

The EECERA Book Series ‘Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood’ offers an innovative and exemplary vehicle for the international early childhood sector to develop transformative pedagogy which demonstrates effective integrated praxis. The Book Series is designed to complement and link with the European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ), which is primarily a worldwide academic platform for publishing research according to the highest international standards of scholarship. The EECERA Book Series aims to highlight pedagogic praxis in order to demonstrate how this knowledge can be used to develop and improve the quality of early education and care services to young children and their families.

The approach taken in the book series will not be a linear one, but rather a praxeological one focused on praxis, meaning a focus on pedagogic action impregnated in theory and supported by a belief system. It is this fusion of practice, theoretical perspectives, ethics and research which we term Ethical Praxis. This fusion is embodied in all EECERA research and development activity, but we anticipate the book series will have a stronger focus on the development of pedagogic praxis and policy.

In addition to offering a forum for plural, integrated pedagogic praxis, the series will offer a strong model of praxeological processes that will secure deep improvements in the educational experience of children and families, of professionals and researchers across international early childhood services.

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Commissioning process

Authors will be recruited through EECERA from our international network of professionals and will be chosen on the basis of their expertise in the topics in the series. Authors will be recruited by the Book Series Editors and their proposals, which set out the contents of their book, and will be prepared in accordance with the Publisher’s guidelines. The proposal will be subject to scrutiny by the EECERA Coordinating Editor and the approval of the EECERA Board of Trustees before submission to the publishers.

All book proposals will be subject to an EECERA peer review by two of the three EECERA appointed reviewers. Authors will be asked to address comments raised by reviewers. The proposal will then be submitted to Taylor and Francis to undergo the Publishers’ peer review process.

Once a proposal has been approved by the EECERA Board of Trustees and the publishers, publishing contracts with authors will be arranged through the EECERA Coordinating Editor.

EECERA Collection Book Series of Research Monographs and ECEC topical issues

The ‘EECERA Collection Book Series of Research Monographs and ECEC topical issues‘ is a parallel Book Series capturing a different perspective than that of the EECERA Praxeological Series which is focused specifically on Ethical Praxis. Like the Praxeological Series, this complementary series will link research and practice but will provide a publishing platform for authors with links to EECERA whose interests may not fit the existing praxeological model.

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EECERA’s Coordinating Editor is open to suggestions for any interesting topics linking research and practice which may be explored across the EECERA community, its SIGs and its networks, and especially, but not exclusively, those offering cross-national or comparative perspectives.

Contact Tony Bertram to find out more.

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