The editors invite contributions from international scholars and practitioners from all sociocultural backgrounds, theoretical traditions, and methodological frameworks to submit a maximum 250-word chapter abstract related to the theme “Pedagogy, Curriculum & Professionalism: International Perspectives in Early Childhood Initial Teacher Education.” Submissions can include systematic reviews, policy analyses, survey reports, case reports, innovative methodological solutions, and empirical studies relevant to specific…
The European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ) is the publication of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), an international organisation dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of research in Early Childhood Education throughout Europe and beyond. CREC is the UK base for the European Early Childhood Research Association. EECERJ aims to provide…
The latest book in the Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood series, “Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times. Looking Towards a Better Future”, encourages early childhood students and practitioners to take stock of current practices and pedagogies in light of challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, ecological concerns, and regulatory pressures. The official launch…
During his keynote at EECERA 2023, Luis Ribeiro provoked the audience to consider how their research was having meaningful impact on practice to improve the lives of children. Luis spoke of multiple ways in which his organisation, APEI, identified and curated the latest research from around the world and brought it in through the doors…
Following an incredibly well attended EECERA Annual Conference in Cascais, Portugal in August with 1100+ delegates from across the world, on behalf of the EECERA Board of Trustees I am delighted to announce the ratification and launch of a brand new, and vitally important EECERA Position Paper on Sustainability. SIG meeting at the EECERA 2023…
We are currently looking for new reviewers to support publication of articles submitted to the EECERA Journal. If you meet these criteria and would like to get involved, please get in touch via
Written in association with the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), this is the latest title in the Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood book series. Edited by Eleni Loizou and Jeffrey Trawick-Smith. Play holds a crucial role in early childhood education in relation to its importance as a context and a teaching practice…