EECERA Bursary Fund
The EECERA Board of Trustees launched a bursary fund in order to support early years researchers from the world’s Least Developed Countries (LDCs), as well as those enduring financial/economic hardship, to attend EECERA conference, share their high-quality research and join, develop and enhance existing research networks. This has been at the suggestion of many EECERA members who have raised the issue of colleagues from LDCs and other experiencing hardship who are wholly committed to EECERA but whose institutions are unable or unwilling to fund their attendance.
If you would like to contribute to this bursary fund please make a voluntary donation below.
All funds will be held by EECERA, independently audited and presented for scrutiny to members at the AGM. Through this fund, we hope to increase participation and representation, and to hear research voices that might otherwise not be heard.