Disability Studies and Inclusive Education in the Early Years


Zinnia Mevawalla, University of Strathclyde, UK
Kathy Cologon, Toward Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Macquarie University, Australia


We are a community of researchers who wish to work toward sharing and strengthening knowledge, understandings and practices of disability studies and inclusive education in the early years. 

We aim to explore and develop shared values, understandings, resources, and practices that promote shared humanity through research, by: 

  • Recognising, acknowledging and celebrating the full breadth of human diversity 
  • Supporting belonging and meaningful participation for all children, families and communities
  • Challenging ableism, exclusion, objectification, stigma, discrimination, devaluing, dehumanising and othering
  • ‘Listening’ to lived experiences of inclusion and exclusion (e.g., “nothing about us without us”)
  • Recognising, upholding and promoting human dignity, equity, agency, rights and the valuable contribution of ALL people
  • Identifying and addressing barriers in the environment, curriculum, pedagogies, policies, research and practice

Our aims align with EECERA philosophy and ethos. Through this group we hope to contribute to increasing knowledge and understanding in this critical area for the development of quality early childhood education, with potentialities for working toward more inclusive and socially just communities.

As we continue to grow as a SIG we plan to:

  • Collaborate online with international members to share references and resources
  • Develop collaborative publications in EECERA journals and books, and international journals
  • Hold online events to share ideas and welcome new members
  • Hold an annual meeting of the members at the EECERA conference

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Join us on Twitter at: @EECERASIG_DSIE

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