Write for Us

EECERA is an independent, self-governing, international association which promotes and disseminates multi-disciplinary research on early childhood and its applications to policy and practice.
As a non-profit organisation, wholly-owned and subscribed to by our substantial and influential world-wide membership, EECERA strives to ensure our independence, radical attitude and innovative openness, at all times.
Our reach and interest is resolutely international and, whilst wanting to identify with Europe’s pluralist and diverse cultures, we are open to learn of, and to share in, the equally rich early childhood traditions and concepts of the World.
With 230+ members, 4,000+ email subscribers, and over 8,300 social media followers, EECERA is an authoritative hub of worldwide early years professionals and we want to hear from you!
Please take some time to review this entire page – it should answer any questions you have about what kind of content we’re looking for and how the submission process works.
The Basics
Successful guest contributions are comprehensive, evidence-based, and interesting posts that teach our readers something new or share an idea from within the world of early years.
At EECERA, we continually seek to sustain and develop the rich tradition of European early childhood thought (the legacy of Froebel, Steiner, Vygotsky, Piaget, Malaguzzi and other pioneers), whilst also looking forward to encourage the exploration of new paradigms, methodologies, concepts and applications in the ever-changing context of early childhood studies.
While we tend to favour guest content about specific aspects of quality in early childhood education research, practice or policy, that’s not all we talk about.
We’re also interested in publishing any topic that our members and wider readership may care about, this includes things like, thought-pieces on particular areas of early childhood education and care, responses to controversial research or policy, new concepts or ideas, and country-specific pieces highlighting advances in thinking within early childhood education, among other things.
Important Notes
- We will not republish anything that’s already been published elsewhere
- Original concepts, compelling arguments, and high-quality writing are essential – guest posts should be thought-provoking and informative
- The content of guest blogs reflect the views of the author and not EECERA. Therefore, responsibility for any issues or questions arising from the post reside with the author and not EECERA
Submissions We Won’t Accept
Please take note of the following submissions that we DO NOT accept for the EECERA blog:
- Articles that may be construed as a link-building scheme – e.g. a guest post created simply for the purpose of gaining a backlink to your own website or research
- Promotional articles or anything which could be construed as marketing assessment tools or professional development. Authors synthesising ideas from their new publications are acceptable, however, we will not accept blatant self-marketing
- Anything that’s offensive or inaccurate
- Anything that’s overly critical or could be construed as an attack on specific individuals or companies – the EECERA blog is not the place to air personal grievances. Rational critique of policy or research methods, for example, are welcome, but not rants against individuals or organisations
Guest Post Guidelines
Please visit www.eecera.org/blog and note the general structure and layout of the EECERA blog.
Guest post submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:
- Word count: minimum 500 words, maximum 1,500 words
- Include a Title AND Subtitle, e.g. Title: President of EECERA Presents the Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood Book Series; Subtitle: Chris Pascal, EECERA President and one of the editors of the EECERA book series, explains the innovative concept of praxis and why the books in the series are an important contribution towards creating a reflective evidence-based practice
- Please provide at least two high-resolution images – you must have the correct permissions to use these images and provide relevant credits where applicable
- Please provide a headshot and short author bio (max 150 words) to be included in the footer of your post
- Your article should reflect the writing style/tone of the EECERA blog, as a whole – guest posts should be knowledgeable without being overly academic in style. Try to make your article engaging and conversational, rather than formal
- Provide proper attribution and referencing for any research, data, quotations or outside content that you include in your article – please link to original sources where possible
- No more than ONE link to your own website/research in the body of your post (you may also include ONE link to your own website/research in your bio)
- Please check your post for spelling and grammatical errors BEFORE you submit it. You can use an app such as Grammarly to do this for free online: grammarly.com
How To Submit Your Post
Please email your submission to enquiries@eecera.org with the following:
- Your completed post as a Word Doc or Google Doc
- Image files (with attribution) in a separate folder – images must be a minimum of 500px wide
- Headshot and short author bio (you may include a maximum of one anchor text link to your own website/research in your bio)
- Please provide links to relevant social media where applicable, i.e. Twitter handle/Facebook page for tagging in social media shares
If your article meets editorial standards and aligns with our content strategy as outlined in ‘The Basics’, we will respond to let you know when your article will be published. This may take up to 2 weeks.
Terms & Conditions
- If accepted, your guest post will be published on the EECERA blog and promoted through EECERA social channels (Twitter and Facebook). Social posts will tag the blog author/organisation (where applicable)
- Submissions must meet the EECERA blog quality standards in order to get published
- All guest posts will be tagged as such and include the following disclaimer: *The following guest post represents the author’s personal view and does not necessarily represent the view of EECERA as a whole. Any issues or questions arising from the content of this post should, therefore, be directed to the author and not EECERA.
- The EECERA blog team reserves the right to edit and adapt your guest blog content as we see fit, and update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
- EECERA reserves the right to include calls-to-action to EECERA content, including but not limited to conferences, membership, journal articles, books, email newsletters and social media pages